
Tuesdays at 6:30-8pm PST from June 6th - July 18th *group will not meet on July 4th





Do you find yourself drawn to the idea of embodiment but are unsure how to develop a personal practice? Maybe your therapist has suggested somatic work as a way of deepening your anxiety, trauma, food or body image healing. Or, maybe you already enjoy moving your body and would like to practice listening to its non-verbal messages more intentionally. 

This 6-week group series is designed to support the integration of body and mind through Irmgard Bartenieff’s Fundamental Patterns of Total Body Connectivity. When we exist in mind-dominated societies, our cognitive functions often take priority and many individuals struggle to notice or make sense of the tension, sensations, and patterns that emerge in our bodies and movement. This results in body disconnection which impacts many of our daily experiences, from the way we cope with chronic stress to grief or trauma becoming ‘stuck’ in the body. This group will focus on finding value and shared language between our bodies and our minds. You will learn:

  • The 'Big 6' movement patterns and their significance through stages human development

  • How to ‘tune in’ to your body's impulses and sensations and deepen your body awareness over time

  • How to develop a practice of communication with your body through movement and embodiment

Fundamental Patterns of Total Body Connectivity

Fundamental Patterns of Total Body Connectivity

You will move through this 6-week series with the same cohort of peers and will get the chance to connect with other members of the group around what the content brings up for you. Each week will focus on a different ‘connectivity’ around which you will receive psycho-education, space for movement exploration, and opportunity to verbally process the experience as a group. Please note, this group requires a minimum of 8 participants in order to run, and there will be a limited number of reduced rate spots available which will prioritize attendance for non-white/BIPOC participants. The last date to register will be May 30th, 2023. More details here:

  • When: Tuesdays at 6:30-8pm PST from June 6th - July 18th *group will not meet on July 4th

  • Where: Online

  • Cost: $300

This group is hosted by dance/movement therapist, Maura Reagan, LMHC, BC-DMT. This space is HAES-aligned, fat positive, and gender affirming. Participants of all movement abilities are welcome, and access to different forms of movement will not be discussed in a hierarchical or ableist manner. Participants 18+ are welcome to apply, and we do ask that individuals register for the group in its entirety as content is cumulative. 

Sign up for Fundamental Patterns of Total Body Connectivity
